Reduce installation time.

Howick CHPP DMC cyclone change out process had excessive installation times and resulted in leaking cyclones due to onsite assembly. Limited access including head height in the area where the cyclones were located provided challenges and added to installation times.

HIC reviewed the process and suggested that custom designed lifting frames that doubled as an in-situ cyclone mount, would allow for offsite assembly of the cyclones, ease of transport and installation.

Cyclones were assembled in HIC’s workshop and installed into a purpose designed load rated frame which allowed the cyclones to be transported to site fully built and easy and safe movement from the transport truck to the installation site on the mine site.

The cyclones and frames were built in such a way that allowed for the low head height and cramped conditions in the installation area.

Installation time was reduced by 50%.

Cyclone leakage was eliminated due to the preassembly and testing.

Pre-engineered Hictech Tiles were used in the lining of the cyclones which provided further gains in performance and longevity.